Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Tonasket Life

Living in Tonasket is fun and simple. Hello my name is Gabriel I live in Tonasket with my family of seven. Most mornings we wake up, make coffee, eat breakfast and find some work to do. Our house is becoming much nicer place do to all the work. We have our TV inside our boxes are getting sorted out and our yard is looking nicer. Our garden is giving us food (mainly tomatoes) which tastes even better knowing it was our work that made this. Some work is not all that rewarding like when we had to dig the hole to find the end of pipe which we believe is clogged and after about three four feet deep holes we have not finished, all that digging wasted. Our dog Mack (the most stupid dog on the planet) was just running along and ran straight into the hole we had been digging he came out with dirt all over his face it was extremely funny. Our dog Mack is a big pug who is lazy and snorts while he breathes. Our other pug is named Chibi and we have another dog named Ruby she is a Red Bone Coon hound. Right now she is a pup but later she grow to be about four feet tall on all fours. My Tonasket life will only get better.