Monday, October 20, 2008

This was a project I had for school.

This Monday I was called by George St.James to help put his metal roof on his wood shed. He came over and he picked me up. We first drove to the store and bought some onions and we bought some canning lids. Then we went to his house and got ready to start working. We gave his wife the stuff we got at the store and got out our tools.

We had metal roofing to put on. We started by slicing the tar paper, we had to cut in lengths of 15’ 7’’. Once we got two cut George climbed on the roof and started throwing down the tar paper. Then when we got enough on I would give him a piece of roofing. I finished cutting the tar paper far before he was done throwing down the roofing. Then we started laying the tar paper out and laying the roofing down. After about two hours we took a break. We drank some lemonade that was very, very tart. After that we went back to work.

After only about ten more minutes outside I was looking down and, THUNK. George had put his hand through the tar paper and cut himself down the face on the metal. He was bleeding a lot because he cut himself on the forehead, and head wounds bleed a lot. He zoomed inside and threw a band aid on. He probably needed stitches but he just ignored it. We got back to working. It took us about another hour and half to finish but it was worth it. We put on the metal trim in about ten minutes.

They invited me for dinner and I said yes. So to kill some time we did some other chores. We went and fed his bull which was very disapproving of me being there. Then we unloaded some hay off his truck. After that we went up, put away the tools, and headed in for dinner. After the day of work I felt like I was holding giant bricks on my shoulders and wanted to fall over and go to sleep.

We ate some very good stuffed peppers and some good apple crisp. Marilyn is a very good cook. The peppers had rice and some very good seasonings that were very spicy but I liked it. The peppers were the best I ever had they were crunchy and wanted to eat a ton of it, literally 2,000 pounds. I didn’t think I was going taste anything better than that. I was wrong. Her apple crisp was EVEN BETTER! I didn’t think it was possible. Her apple crisp was delicious. The crust was light and flaky, the warm apple taste spread through your mouth and I thought I had gone to heaven. I nearly cried when I was done knowing I wouldn’t eat anymore of it. Unfortunately all things come to an end, Me and George jumped in his truck, and he brought me home. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It has been awhile since I have last blogged so I now have lots of theings I can pick and choose from to tell you. I will start by telling you school is going....... okay. I have been enjoying Friday school very much. We have lots of fun people there. However, the school work is not fun at all. Today we went to the park to get our pictures taken. Bethany took our pictures apparently she is photographer. First we went to the jungle gym to get our pictures, but Jesse, Dakota, and Sammy were goofing off the whole time. Then we moved on to the smaller jungle gym where they still goofed off then finally we moved to a concrete platform where they still goofed off. Bethany took about 250 pictures and only about 6 of them will be used. Dakota had ths horrible cheesy smile, Jesse just didn't even try, and Sammy just kept on getting distracted. I think the pictures will still turn out great.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The highlight of the week was the fair. On Saturday we went to the fair with Gina, Cheyenne and Lily. While the rest of the kids went to the carnival I went with the adults walking and seeing things around the park, I thought that the carnival was a waist of money there were no rides that I thought looked thrilling enough so I did not go on them. I  still had fun I got to see lots of things like reptiles and bugs. There were lots contests that gave out ribbons for best cooking or best fruit the thing that was dumb is that just everybody gets a ribbon so its barely a competition. We also got to see lots of animals like the lambs, sheep, rabbits, cows, and even some bulls. I have very little experience with cattle so it was cool to be able to touch them and pet them. Other than that we got to see some people sing we got to see some cool blood hounds and we got to eat but they did not have any elephant ears which was disappointing. After that we headed home and nothing special other than that we got to see the movie Brave Heart which was very good. On Monday my grandparents are coming over which will be fun, We call them Nana and Ganny they are our grandma and great grandma it will be nice to see them.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This is the first time in a while that I have blogged, so allot has gone and I'm not going to try and explain it all. This last weekend has been very chaotic we had 25 people over to our house. We made a huge breakfast for everyone which tasted very good but it was hard making enough food for everyone to eat. We had my aunt and uncle( Dan and Paula ), our cousin Raine, friends from the kingdom hall, and a family from the other side of the mountains and they had five kids and a friend over. my step mom kailee made some good french toast which I was surprised there was any left overs. My brother Jesse set up an obstacle course for everyone to run which was a fun game but not a very good right after you have eaten. And I have to point out that my dad lost to a six year old girl. And of course I completely wiped my dad off the board with my time. my brother Levi tied my time and Jesse beat it by two seconds. On Sunday the day the day we set up the obstacle course We had people over for dinner and a fire for shmores. Then on Tuesday I had to get my homework meaning the end of summer vacation but the weekend was still very fun.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Tonasket Life

Living in Tonasket is fun and simple. Hello my name is Gabriel I live in Tonasket with my family of seven. Most mornings we wake up, make coffee, eat breakfast and find some work to do. Our house is becoming much nicer place do to all the work. We have our TV inside our boxes are getting sorted out and our yard is looking nicer. Our garden is giving us food (mainly tomatoes) which tastes even better knowing it was our work that made this. Some work is not all that rewarding like when we had to dig the hole to find the end of pipe which we believe is clogged and after about three four feet deep holes we have not finished, all that digging wasted. Our dog Mack (the most stupid dog on the planet) was just running along and ran straight into the hole we had been digging he came out with dirt all over his face it was extremely funny. Our dog Mack is a big pug who is lazy and snorts while he breathes. Our other pug is named Chibi and we have another dog named Ruby she is a Red Bone Coon hound. Right now she is a pup but later she grow to be about four feet tall on all fours. My Tonasket life will only get better.