Monday, September 8, 2008

The highlight of the week was the fair. On Saturday we went to the fair with Gina, Cheyenne and Lily. While the rest of the kids went to the carnival I went with the adults walking and seeing things around the park, I thought that the carnival was a waist of money there were no rides that I thought looked thrilling enough so I did not go on them. I  still had fun I got to see lots of things like reptiles and bugs. There were lots contests that gave out ribbons for best cooking or best fruit the thing that was dumb is that just everybody gets a ribbon so its barely a competition. We also got to see lots of animals like the lambs, sheep, rabbits, cows, and even some bulls. I have very little experience with cattle so it was cool to be able to touch them and pet them. Other than that we got to see some people sing we got to see some cool blood hounds and we got to eat but they did not have any elephant ears which was disappointing. After that we headed home and nothing special other than that we got to see the movie Brave Heart which was very good. On Monday my grandparents are coming over which will be fun, We call them Nana and Ganny they are our grandma and great grandma it will be nice to see them.


Anonymous said...

Ganny, That's so cute!!

♥◘♥Chey♥◘♥ said...

Why dont you blog very much Gabe????