Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This is the first time in a while that I have blogged, so allot has gone and I'm not going to try and explain it all. This last weekend has been very chaotic we had 25 people over to our house. We made a huge breakfast for everyone which tasted very good but it was hard making enough food for everyone to eat. We had my aunt and uncle( Dan and Paula ), our cousin Raine, friends from the kingdom hall, and a family from the other side of the mountains and they had five kids and a friend over. my step mom kailee made some good french toast which I was surprised there was any left overs. My brother Jesse set up an obstacle course for everyone to run which was a fun game but not a very good right after you have eaten. And I have to point out that my dad lost to a six year old girl. And of course I completely wiped my dad off the board with my time. my brother Levi tied my time and Jesse beat it by two seconds. On Sunday the day the day we set up the obstacle course We had people over for dinner and a fire for shmores. Then on Tuesday I had to get my homework meaning the end of summer vacation but the weekend was still very fun.